Thoughts & Insights

A Poem in Close Up

“I like the idea of my paintings travelling”, OUBEY once said. “I hope they would fascinate an original inhabitant of South America just as much as an Inuit or native New Yorker.”

And for the past few years, this is exactly what they have been doing. At first it was just particular pictures that travelled exclusively to meet particular people from Bremen and Vienna to Boston and Santa Fe.


The “hosts” of these encounters were excellent scientists from a broad range of disciplines but also such people as a musician, a singer, and a science fiction author. Their encounters with the paintings were documented and can be viewed online as short films on YouTube and OUBEYs Website.


This series of exclusive one-to-one Encounters is still on-going. Only now it’s been extended by the Global Encounters Tour which presents a much bigger number of original works and their Encounter Videos to a much bigger audience.

What’s more, there’s now also a totally new variation of the individual encounter format.

The tour kicked off last October in San Francisco with a symposium entitled “VISIONS: Through Art to Science” and it will take five years to travel the world with stopovers staged not in museums and galleries but wherever possible in places that aren’t usually associated with art. In this way a great many people around the world will have the opportunity to see the original paintings in close up.


From 21-23 March it can be seen in Berlin as “The Joy of Insight” in a title drawn from OUBEYs remark that “My art is simply a reflection of the joy of insight. It is like an ode to it, a poem”.

And there in a room will be a covered painting waiting to be visited and “discovered”. And this offers the opportunity for anyone interested to make their own personal encounter with OUBEY – on their own or with other people but always live on camera!

More details of the program will be published here soon. I wish all of you encountering OUBEY in BERLIN much joy and inspiration in exploring the world of his art.

“The Joy of Insight” – OUBEY in Berlin +++ Direktorenhaus, Am Krögel 2, Berlin-Mitte ++ ++ March 21-23. +++ Opening on March 21 at 7 pm +++ Open on March 22 and 23 from 11 am to 8.30 pm.

